Bulk adding users in linux
September 06, 2015
So while I’m no Linux admin I end up having to do the odd thing on test servers, which generally involves some head scratching and googling as I do it so rarely. So this is one for the time vault as I really doubt I’ll be adding users to a server on a regular basis.
The problem was a couple of new test servers needed to be created and everyone in the team given a login. Now there’s talk of a jumpbox coming but in the mean time I needed a quick way of creating all the users and of course there’s a command for that newusers
which can be passed in a file with the users listed.
An example line in the file would be
So that’s
- Username
- Password
- User Id
- Primary Group Id
- Display name
- Home Directory
- Default shell
Beware the copy and paste monster on this one, I got busted by forgetting to change the user id’s and therefore actually set everyone up as the one user… DOH
The next thing was to add all the users to a particular group, wheel for example. I could set it as the primary group in the above file but I wanted to add to the secondary groups. I couldn’t find anything so I created a little script that just runs the commands
sudo usermod -G wheel david
Just add a line for each user