Java Mission Control and Weblogic Dynamic Server
April 23, 2014
So the problem with dynamic servers is they are dynamic…
Most of the time this is fine, Weblogic has ways and means of handling them, it assigns dynamic listen ports etc…
But just say you want to set up Java Mission Control, you need to set up a jmxremote port, fine if you have things on separate addresses and can use the same port. Not so good if it’s all on the one machine and you need different ports. Weblogic handles it’s own ports, but it’s up to you to figure something out for jmx.
I thought ${id}
would work, it does not
so here is what I have.
In the I’ve added
echo "Server name is ${SERVER_NAME}"
if [ "${SERVER_NAME}" = "AdminServer" ] ; then
echo "Found AdminServer, no need for jmx port"
echo "Found a managed server"
export SERVER_ID
echo "Server ID is ${SERVER_ID}"
JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS}${SERVER_ID}${SERVER_ID} -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=gmslx071-vm.sspcrs.intra"
Written by David Kerwick who lives and works Dublin as a Java Technical Lead.