Random Stuff About Stuff

Create boot.properties to start weblogic admin server

March 27, 2014

So you have been starting the admin server using the startWeblogic.sh script and you are tired of entering the username and password each time.  You want the credentials stored, this can be done by creating a boot.properties file where the admin server will take the credentials.

Go to your domain directory and cd into the servers/Adminserver directory

for example

cd /user_projects/domains/your_domain/servers/Adminserver/  

If there isn’t a security directory create it

mkdir security  

then cd into it

cd security  

now create the boot.properties file

vi boot.properties  

add in lines for your username and password


You should now be able to run startWeblogic.sh without it prompting you for a username and password.
After starting if you look back at the boot.properties file you will notice that weblogic has encrypted the contents for you.

Written by David Kerwick who lives and works Dublin as a Java Technical Lead.